Portuguese as a foreign language

In order to make the most of your experience in São Paulo and at USP, it is important to have good Portuguese language skills. Although some departments offer classes taught in English, the language of instruction at USP is generally Portuguese, especially at the undergraduate level.
Listed below are the available Portuguese language courses on campus. Keep in mind that the registration period opens a few weeks before the classes start. If you're interested, you must monitor websites and pay attention to the publication of deadlines and the opening of the registration period.
(1) The FFLCH USP Language Center provides the following courses for international students and researchers:
  • Level A Workshop: Basic level, intensive, one-week duration.
  • Level B Course: Intermediate level, extensive, one-semester duration.
  • Level C Course: Advanced level, extensive, one-semester duration.

Course availability is limited, and spots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Details about Portuguese courses can be found here and here. For inquiries, contact the responsible staff at portcl@usp.br.

(2) VIVA USP: https://internationaloffice.usp.br/index.php/vivausp-curso-de-portugues-online/. For inquiries, contact the responsible staff at international.communication@usp.br.

(3) PROIAD Línguashttps://sites.usp.br/polinguas/proiad/. For inquiries, contact the course supervisor using the "saiba mais" button.
(4) AUCANI Idiomashttps://internationaloffice.usp.br/index.php/category/editais/editais-idiomas/. For inquiries, contact the responsible staff at aucani.idiomas@usp.br.
(5) Poliglota Idiomas: https://poliglotaidiomas.com/portugues/. For inquiries, contact the responsible staff at contato@poliglotaidiomas.com.

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